Ruben Abarca

Ruben Abarca has been working in education since 2009. He worked in corporate education for several universities before eventually starting his own educational consulting company. Ruben helped launch more than 60 corporate partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and set up nearly 30 onsite cohorts with top organizations. This resulted in upskilling and reskilling opportunities for hundreds of adult students preparing them for in demand 21st century careers while obtaining their education goals. 

During the last few years, Ruben has been focused on K-12 education and helped launch an Ed/Tech start up. Now Ruben has been focused on advising High Impact Tutors (HIT) which is focused on closing the ever-growing STEM gap. Ruben and HIT are focused on helping all students, but in particular those from traditionally marginalized communities.

Ruben currently serves as a board member for The Associated Colleges of Illinois (ACI), he also serves as an advisory board member for The Executives’ Club of Chicago and Latin Digitial Leaders Now (DLN). He partners with several Latino nonprofits organizations such as Prospanica, ALPFA, LULAC, SHPE and the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE). Ruben has a passion for educating the next generation and especially for underrepresented populations. He regularly speaks to corporate and student organizations about the power of education.